Investment Products
Alternative Investments
Commodities ETFs
Curreny ETFs
Long/Short Funds
Managed Futures ETFs/Funds
New Issue/Syndicate Offerings
Individual Stocks
Exchange-Traded Funds
Closed-End Funds
Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)
Unit Investment Trust (UIT)
Structured Products
Mutual Funds
17,500 share class alternatives
A, B, C share classes
5,300 institutional mutual funds
2,600 load-waived funds
Over 500 Fund Families including the most widely held companies including:
Vanguard, American Funds, Franklin Templeton, PIMCO, T. Rowe Price, Oppenheimer, Goldman Sachs, Putnam, MFS, AIM, American Century, BlackRock, Fidelity, etc.
Access to Charles Schwab Investment Advisory, Inc. (CSIA) mutual fund research
Direct access to portfolio managers through live event via webcasts and teleconferences
Managed Products
Customized discretionary portfolio
Variable Universal Life
Whole Life
Fixed Income
Individual Bonds
U.S. Treasury issues - U.S. Treasury issues are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government and include Treasury zero-coupon bonds, Treasury securities (bills and notes), STRIPS and TIPS
Government agency and mortgage-backed securities - Agnecy securities, agency zero-coupon bonds, Ginnie Mac securities and CMOs
Corporate Bonds - Corporate bonds are debt instruments issued by a corporation and include OTC, listed and convertibles
Preferred Securities - Convertible preferreds and hybrid preferreds
Short-term instruments - Commercial paper and certificate of deposit (CDs)
Municipal bonds and UITs
International bonds
Cash Investments
Everyday Cash from Schwab Bank - used for daily expenses with a need for ongoing accessibility; usually held in a checking account such as:
Schwab Banik High Yield Investor Checking
Cash Pending Investment - needed immediately for pending investments in stocks, bonds and mutual funds; usually held for 30 days or less in a cash investments feature such as:
Sweep Money Market Fund
Bank Sweep Feature
Schwab One Bank Interest Feature
Long-Term Cash Investments - set aside for major purchases or known obligations such as a home down payment, typically due within a year or less. Often used as an emergency fund. Can also be part of a long-term strategic asset allocation. Products include:
Purchased Money Market Funds