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About Pure Wealth Management

Since April of 1997, Jason J. Tani began managing the investment portfolios and retirement accounts for hard working families, business owners and motivated professionals throughout Southern California.  Born and raised in the friendly and family-oriented city of Cerritos, Jason quickly learned the value of a hard-earned dollar.  Jason watched his father wake up every morning at 5 AM and return home from work a few minutes before 6 PM working 6 days a week for over 30 years.  Jason's father stayed loyal, committed and dedicated to his profession and company for over three decades.  Jason's father handled every customer question with respect and care while working for Plowboy's Market in Carson.  The goals and objectives for Jason and his father are very similar even though they worked in completely different professions.  Always listen to the clients and address their questions and issues immediately with honesty, integrity and excellence.  They were always committed to assisting, guiding and advising anyone who needed their expertise and knowledge.  Jason's goal and purpose has always stayed the same since 1997, to provide personalized service that is specifically tailored to his clients' needs, goals and objectives while always providing the highest level of service, integrity, honesty and excellence in portfolio management.

Jason J. Tani established his wealth and investment management firm, Pure Wealth Management, Inc. (PWM), on his father's birthday as a tribute and expression of gratitude for mentoring him for over 30 years.  On August 9, 2010, Pure Wealth Management began managing the investment assets and retirement savings of hard-working families, business owners and motivated professionals as an independent registered investment adviser.  PWM is fully registered by the State of California Securities Regulators to perform asset management and provide financial advice.  As an independent registered investment adviser, PWM is legally obligated to act as a fiduciary in dealings with their clients.  As a registered investment adviser, PWM must hold the client’s interest above its own in all matters, and conflicts of interest should be avoided at all costs.  PWM puts the fiduciary responsibility for every client in writing.

Other PWM requirements acting as a registered investment adviser include:

  • Make reasonable investment recommendations independent of outside influences

  • Select a broker-dealer based on their ability to provide the best execution of trades for accounts where the adviser has authority to select the broker-dealer.

  • Make recommendations based on a reasonable inquiry into a client's investment objectives, financial situation and other factors

  • Always place client interests ahead of its own

PWM will always involve the client in the decision making process, and above all else, PWM will serve the client with utmost good faith and integrity.  PWM’s fiduciary responsibility combined with the contemporary and holistic approach to wealth and investment management allows PWM to meet the needs of all our clients.    

PWM recognizes that the most valuable asset you invest is your trust.  PWM understands that we can only earn it through our actions and execution.  PWM also understands that confidence can only be earned through results and time. 

Other firms and advisors from large brokerages and banks use fancy reports, graphs, and cliché lines such as sticking to our game plan or staying the course to display their “excellence”.  PWM displays their excellence through responsible and accountable investment management and performance returns.  Excellence combines experience, knowledge, dedication and commitment.  PWM will not blame another investment manager as their excuse for poor performance.  Other advisors should consider managing their clients’ investment portfolios and take the responsibility and accountability for the performance and results.  Through the experience and lessons learned from the Flash Crash in May of 2010, the Financial System Collapse in 2008, the Bubble Crash in 2001, the Asian Contagion decline in 1997 and the Bond Market Massacre in 1994, the Chief Investment Officer, Jason J. Tani, will never hide behind the performance of other portfolio managers or provide dishonorable excuses when it comes to performance and results.  PWM built an investment philosophy with the understanding of the fluidity and unpredictability of the stock market while incorporating a discipline approach to discovering undervalued investments and always focusing on the single biggest component in managing a successful investment portfolio, calculating and understanding risk and volatility.

The description of high level personalized service is very simple.  Jason’s expectation and focus has stayed the same for nearly 2 decades.  First, PWM will initiate consistent communication with each and every client based on the client's needs and expectations.  Second, all clients will receive a quarterly checkup call and an annual review meeting at a minimum.  Some clients will request a greater amount of communication from the adviser.  The adviser will satisfy any amount of communication needs based on the client’s request.  Third, the client will speak directly to the adviser, not an assistant or junior adviser or 800# customer service representative.  Finally, all client calls are returned within an appropriate period of time, usually 24-48 hours.  Every client is served directly by the adviser, who is accountable, responsible and motivated to exceed the client's expectations.


PWM’s mission, simply stated, is focusing on your family’s financial future.  Pure Wealth Management is motivated and excited to focus our time and energy on your family’s financial future.  For more information about Pure Wealth Management, please don’t hesitate to contact us by email at or by phone at:

(562) 865-5050.


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Pure Wealth Management is an investment adviser registered with the State of California.  Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective clients where Pure Wealth Management and its representatives are properly licensed or exempted.  This website is solely for informational purposes.  No advice may be rendered by Pure Wealth Management, Inc. unless a client service agreement is in place with you.

Securities offered through Purshe Kaplan Sterling Investments, Member FINRA/SIPC Headquartered at 80 State St, Albany, NY, 12207.  Purshe Kaplan Sterling Investments and Pure Wealth Management are not affiliated companies.  Investments handled through Purshe Kaplan Sterling Investments and Pure Wealth Management are:



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